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Pictures of dead, decapitated women with amputated bodies, as well as severed nipples and clitorises. In each of these examples, Larry Flynt jokes about rape, battery, sexual harassment, incest, torture, mutilation and death, and presents this violence as sexy.
As with pornography, those who are the victims of it, the targets-as Black people are with racist material-really have to be the mobilizers. I think direct action and civil disobedience would be extremely effective for women to use.
We are just a handful of people trying to educate a nation, meanwhile, pornography is a multibillion dollar industry miseducating people. Though many women have been arrested for peace and civil rights work, very few women appear to be willing to get arrested for feminist causes.
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Eric Spitznagel didn't always write porn. (And doesn't, it should be noted, anymore.) In fact, for most of his adult life (we can't answer for his teen years... God only knows what he was doing then) he's been a writer of humor, which would seem, on the surface, like the exact opposite of being a porn writer. Prior to moving to L.A., he spent ten years teaching comedy writing at the famed Second City in Chicago (which means he probably knows way more famous people than you or I do) and is currently a contributing editor at The Believer (which means he gets to interview people like Beck and Paul Giamatti on a regular basis). But, let's not forget, the guy did once write porn. He did -- he'll have you know -- write the sequel to Butt Crazy! And that's really what we're here to talk about.
As a woman, I have to ask a follow up here. I notice that in answering this question, as well as in discussing the porn actors in the book, you focus almost exclusively on the women in porn. For instance, I have to wonder if anyone would ever say of a male porn actor, He equated sex with his own sense of self-worth, and thats a dangerous thing. Or find it odd that the male porn actor was disappointed theyd cut his scene. Or even think to say of a man, Its not just a job for him; its a lifestyle choice. So, first of all, did you find the men to be sexual extremists as well? Is there such a thing as a male nympho? Or are all males assumed to be nymphos? I guess I just find it a bit dangerous to assume that men are never victimized and woman always are, when it comes to sex, be it in porn or otherwise.
Those are all excellent questions, and I wish I had a thoughtful, intelligent response for you. But to be honest, it never really occurred to me to think about how the men in porn might be victimized. Maybe it's just a knee-jerk reaction from my liberal arts education. You get accustomed to talking about porn in terms of how women are objectified and degraded, and the men are just an afterthought at best. But I suppose you're right, it is something that effects both genders. Of course, the women do get the worst of it. It's just a sad reality of our culture that sexuality is usually equated with something negative when it comes to women. A women who devotes her life to sex is called a whore while a man, more often than not, is a stud. It's okay for a man to be overtly sexual because we expect it of them. We have a difficult time thinking of men in any sexual situation -- porn or otherwise -- as victims. It seems healthy even when it's not. But the moment a woman starts being too sexually aggressive, there must be something wrong with her. She's a victim or a prostitute or some combination of the two. That's completely unfair, I know, but it's how our moral compass is wired. And I guess I just fell into that trap. But at the same time, I'm sure that if I tried to write about how the experience of male and female porn stars were similar, I would've been crucified. I've even had a few readers accost me for suggesting that porn might objectify men as much as it does women. In the book, I quoted another porn writer who told me, "Look at the average porno and you'll always see the woman's face. But the guy is only shown from the waist down. He's just a cock and balls, an anonymous torso with moving parts. Now you tell me, who's the one being portrayed as an object?" I don't know if I agree with that, but it is an interesting point. Porn is just about the mechanics of sex, and neither the man nor the woman is seen as anything more than genitals with legs. But you're on dangerous ground if you try to make people question whether porn degrades both sexes equally. Our society wants to believe that women are the only casualty in porn, and a humor writer certainly isn't going to be the one to change their mind.
Well, I think people want to sleep with virgins for the same reasons they want to be the first person to set foot on Mars. It's all about the conquest, isn't it? And I'm not sure you're being a hundred percent truthful in your answer but I appreciate the effort nonetheless. But back to your book. Do you have any juicy industry gossip for us? Did you ever work with or meet the reining star of porn, Jenna Jameson? Does writing porn get you laid?
She wants her daughter to grow up in world where females are not demeaned. Amen to that. So do millions of other women and men. But the problem now is not just sicko men wanting to leer at female bodies or watching hard porn and sometimes acting out violent fantasies. It also includes those women who are up for all that, too, in their heads and some in real life.
Female porn models and performers are not new. They have always been around. A woman, Pauline Réage (real name Anne Desclos), penned that hard SM novel Story of O (1954), about a woman whipped, branded, pierced and raped into willing submission. The Sixties sex romp Emmanuelle was also written by a woman, Emmanuelle Arsan. The porn business would have died long ago without female participation. When we railed against the industry in the Sixties and Seventies we never addressed these inconvenient truths. Now that the pornification of society is so pervasive and deep, we have to deal with the many ways in which women support the evil, rather than fighting it. 041b061a72