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The best vocabulary game for kids and adults alike

In the teacher's section you can also alter the sets of content, so that only some of the images appear. Additionally, you can get embed code to add this game to a blog or web page and you can create direct links to the game with content pre-selected. As an example, the link below will start the game with the jobs content automatically loaded.

This is a game to learn basic English (ESL) vocab in a fun way. On the first screen you have to match the images to the words. On the second screen you have to click the button to reveal parts of the image and then click on the matching word.

vocabulary game

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The aim of this game is to present words, image and audio in a way that is engaging. Students can see the pictures and use them to infer meaning. Then they match this to text and audio. In doing this, it is hoped that learners can associate the images (and meaning) with the words and sounds. In order to progress with the game, it is necessary to move or click on the words that match the images. So, to a certain extent, it is necessary to learn/know the vocabulary to progress. While it is possible to progress simply by guessing or by luck, I think that playing in that way would be meaningless and not very interesting. In general, I think it is necessary to have some familiarity with the vocabulary being used - perhaps to know at least a few of the items. I do not think that students will benefit much if they come at the vocab cold and do not know any at all. Rather, I think it is best if students are at least somewhat familiar with the content. In that way, the vocab items that they already know can be reinforced, while a few items that they do not know can be introduced. Or even better, if the students already know all the vocabulary, then they can review or reinforce the content

This is game is really 2 mini games. In the first you are presented with 8 images and 8 words. You have to re-arrange these to that the words match the images. When you match a pair, a tick will appear and the audio for that word will play. Once you have matched all the items, you proceed to the next game. The second mini game involves a big image that is hidden behind 16 squares. You can reveal these squares individually by clicking on the lightening button. Doing this repeatedly will slowly reveal the image. Once you have an idea about what the image might be, you can click on one of the buttons at the bottom to take a guess at the matching word. If you guess correctly, then your score will increase, while an incorrect guess will lose points. Importantly, your score increases more when you have revealed fewer squares. So in general, it is a good idea to reveal a smaller number of squares before you guess. There are also bonuses that you can use to help guess the image. The bonuses do different things, but include one that reveals the whole image for a split second and another that reveals a horizontal bar of squares. You only get one of each bonus per round so it is a good idea to use them wisely

The content used in this game is selected on the second screen. There are about 30 sets of content that cover a lot of the basic language vocabulary - things like food, clothes, jobs, colors, etc. Each set has 10-35 items; however, not all items may be used for any set you choose. A list of this content is available on request.

Divide class into two groups and have them form an inner and outer circle, with students facing each other. For the first 15 seconds, each student in the inner circle asks a prepared vocabulary question (about spelling, pronunciation, definition, example, etc.) to the student she is facing. If the outer-circle student answers correctly, the inner-circle student signs his word list. For the next 15 seconds, the outer-circle student asks the inner-circle student a question, and signs her sheet if she answers correctly. Then students rotate to the right and repeat the process with the new students they face. Whoever has the most signatures at the end of the game time wins.

Divide students into two teams and create a baseball diamond in your classroom (or go outside if possible). The teacher is the pitcher. Each member of team 1 takes a word and stands in the infield and outfield. Team 2 stands in line at home plate. The teacher asks a question from Fix the Mistake or Pick the Winner and then tosses the ball to the batter. The batter says the correct word and then throws the ball to the correct word. The team earns one point if the batter says the correct word and two points if he or she hits the correct word. After three incorrect words (strikes), the teams switch. The game ends when the teacher calls time or when all questions are complete.

Charades is quite similar to Pictionary, but it uses actions to communicate the secret word in place of photos. This is a great game for those days when your class is dragging and people are falling asleep. Get them up and moving!

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This is a fun game that you can use at the end of class when you need to fill time but also want to make it educational. Beyond working with the vocabulary your students are learning, this game will stretch their brains and make them think in a different way.

Make vocabulary practice fun with these 10 FREE Vocabulary Games. Your students will love these super simple games that can be played with any vocabulary words. Perfect for grades 2-5.

I love using games to practice and review vocabulary words. Games are engaging and fun. Students will remember more when they are having fun! Games can be used in centers or as a whole group activity. I have come up with ten different games that are super simple and can be played with any list of words. You can play these games with ELA words, science words, or even math vocabulary!

Each student will need one of the free game boards. If you want to be able to use them over and over, laminate and have students use dry-erase markers. Otherwise, they can use any writing utensil. Provide a long list of vocabulary words. Students will need 24 words, so it is a good game to play at the end of the unit to review. You can also mix math, science, and ELA words for a review of multiple subjects! Students will write a different word in each box. They decide which words and what order to write them in so that every board is a little different. When you are ready to play, give students a definition. Students determine the word. If they have that word on their board, they can cover it or color it. The first person to get five in a row is the winner.

To play this game, you will need cards with vocabulary words and cards with their meanings. You can make them with index cards or you can use the free editable card template that I have provided. Students shuffle up the cards and place them face down in an array. Students take turns flipping two cards.

For this game, you can use the word cards from the memory game or you can write words on popsicle sticks. You will also want some of the free pop cards or write pop on several sticks. Put the cards or sticks into a container. Students take turns pulling one card or stick out of the container. If they pull a word card, they must give the definition. You can change this up a bit by requiring them to give a synonym and antonym if you prefer. If they answer correctly, they keep the card. If they are wrong, it goes back in the container. And if they draw a pop, they must put all of their cards back in the container.

This is a good whole group game, but you can have students working in teams. You will need to use word cards again and you will be taping them, face down, onto your board so that the whole class can see the blank back of the card. You will add the category and point cards that I have provided for you.

The first team will choose a category and a point amount. Flip that card over and give that team 5-10 seconds to answer. So if they choose Synonyms for three points, they need to give a synonym for the vocabulary word. If they are correct, their team gets the three-point. I usually just keep score on the board. If they are not correct, put the card back so that another team can try it. Once all of the cards have been completed, the team with the most points is the winning team. Be sure to put the toughest words in the five-point row!

The teacher will need a list of vocabulary words. I like to do boys versus girls- so I have them line up boy, girl, boy, girl, etc. But you can do different teams if you want. Have students get in a line starting at the tape. Ask the first person a question. You can just give them a word and ask for a definition or a synonym or to use it in a sentence. You can even use questions from assessments. If the student gets the question right, they get a point for their team and they get the chance to throw the ball. If they make the basket, they get a bonus point for their team. But, if they are not correct, the question goes to the next person in line. At the end of the allotted time, the team with the most points is the winner.

This is so simple to implement because you are using simple games that students already know how to play. Games that I suggest are Candy Land, Checkers, Connect Four, Chutes and Ladders, etc. It is ok if the games seem childish for your grade level. The kids love playing them anyway!

I like these buzzers because each team gets its own animal sound. The kids LOVE it. But be sure to do some training about proper use. I take a point if I hear a buzzer at an inappropriate time. Teams stand in a line behind their buzzer so that they can easily take turns. The teacher asks any vocabulary question and when a team thinks they know the answer, they push their buzzer. The first buzzer I hear gets to answer. If they are correct, their team gets a point. If they are incorrect, the other three teams get another chance to buzz in and answer. Then those four students go to the back of their team line. The winning team is the team with the most points when time is up or you run out of questions.


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