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XCOM 2 Resurrection: A Novel that Reveals the Secrets of the Alien Invasion

XCOM 2 Resurrection: A Novel Based on the Hit Video Game

If you are a fan of the XCOM series, you might be interested in reading XCOM 2 Resurrection, a novel that expands the story of the popular sci-fi strategy game. But what is XCOM 2 Resurrection about? Is it worth reading? And how can you download it for free in EPUB format? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

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XCOM 2 is a video game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games in 2016. It is a sequel to XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which was released in 2012. Both games are inspired by the classic UFO: Enemy Unknown, which was released in 1994.

XCOM 2 is set in a dystopian future where humanity has lost the war against an alien invasion. The aliens have established a totalitarian regime called ADVENT, which controls most of the world's resources and population. A few survivors have formed a resistance movement called XCOM, which operates from a mobile base called the Avenger.

XCOM 2 Resurrection is a novel written by Greg Keyes and published by Insight Editions in 2015. It is based on the events of XCOM 2, but it focuses on a different group of characters and a different mission. It is not a direct adaptation of the game, but rather a complementary story that explores some of the background and lore of the XCOM universe.

What is XCOM 2 Resurrection?

XCOM 2 Resurrection is a novel that tells the story of Amar Tan, a former ADVENT soldier who joins the resistance after discovering the truth about the aliens. He leads a team of rebels who are sent to find and rescue a mysterious operative named Lazarus, who has vital information about the alien's plans.

The novel follows Tan and his team as they travel across Europe, Africa, and Asia, facing dangers from both ADVENT forces and alien creatures. Along the way, they encounter old friends and enemies, uncover secrets and conspiracies, and learn more about themselves and their world.

Why should you read XCOM 2 Resurrection?

If you are a fan of XCOM 2, you should read XCOM 2 Resurrection because it will give you more insight into the game's setting, characters, and plot. You will get to see how the resistance operates in different regions of the world, how ADVENT maintains its grip on power, and how the aliens manipulate and experiment on humans.

If you are not familiar with XCOM 2, you can still enjoy XCOM 2 Resurrection as a standalone sci-fi thriller. You will get to experience a fast-paced and exciting adventure that mixes military action, espionage, and horror. You will get to meet a diverse and likable cast of characters who have their own personalities, motivations, and flaws.

Plot Summary

In this section, we will give you a brief overview of the main events of XCOM 2 Resurrection. Be warned that this section contains spoilers, so if you want to avoid them, you can skip to the next section.

The setting: 20 years after the alien invasion

The novel takes place in 2035, 20 years after the events of XCOM: Enemy Unknown. In that game, the aliens launched a massive invasion of Earth, and the XCOM project was formed to fight back. However, despite their best efforts, XCOM was defeated and disbanded.

The aliens then established a puppet government called ADVENT, which claimed to bring peace and prosperity to humanity. ADVENT built megacities around the world, where people could enjoy advanced technology and healthcare. However, ADVENT also enforced strict laws and surveillance, and secretly abducted and experimented on humans for their own purposes.

Some people resisted ADVENT's rule and formed underground cells that carried out guerrilla attacks and sabotage. These cells were loosely connected by a network called the Resistance, which was led by the remnants of XCOM. The Resistance operated from a stolen alien ship called the Avenger, which served as their mobile base and headquarters.

The characters: a ragtag team of resistance fighters

The novel focuses on a group of resistance fighters who are part of a cell called Resurrection. They are:

  • Amar Tan: The leader of the team. He is a former ADVENT soldier who defected after learning the truth about the aliens. He is skilled in combat and tactics, but he struggles with guilt and anger.

  • Lily Shen: The engineer of the team. She is the daughter of Raymond Shen, the chief engineer of XCOM in the previous game. She is brilliant and inventive, but she is also reckless and impulsive.

  • John Tipene: The sniper of the team. He is a former New Zealand soldier who lost his family and his eye in the alien invasion. He is calm and loyal, but he is also cynical and bitter.

  • Yuki Abe: The hacker of the team. She is a former Japanese student who became a hacker after her parents were killed by ADVENT. She is smart and resourceful, but she is also sarcastic and rebellious.

  • Dirk van der Merwe: The medic of the team. He is a former South African doctor who joined the resistance after his clinic was raided by ADVENT. He is compassionate and optimistic, but he is also naive and idealistic.

  • Anna Kozlov: The scout of the team. She is a former Russian spy who infiltrated ADVENT as a double agent. She is stealthy and seductive, but she is also secretive and manipulative.

The mission: to find and rescue a mysterious operative

The novel begins with Tan and his team being contacted by Central Officer Bradford, the second-in-command of XCOM. Bradford tells them that he has received a message from an operative named Lazarus, who claims to have vital information about the alien's plans. However, Lazarus has been captured by ADVENT and is being held in a prison in Istanbul.

Bradford assigns Tan and his team to find and rescue Lazarus before he is killed or interrogated by ADVENT. He also warns them that Lazarus is not who he seems to be, and that they should not trust him completely.

Tan and his team accept the mission and head to Istanbul. There, they encounter various obstacles and enemies, such as ADVENT soldiers, alien creatures, human collaborators, and rival resistance cells. They also discover clues and secrets about Lazarus's identity and mission, such as:

  • Lazarus is actually an alien hybrid, who was created by combining human and alien DNA.

  • Lazarus was part of a secret project called Project Resurrection, which aimed to create super-soldiers for ADVENT.

  • Lazarus escaped from Project Resurrection and joined the resistance as a double agent.

  • Lazarus has information about a mysterious device called the Avatar Project, which is the ultimate goal of the aliens.

After overcoming many challenges and dangers, Tan and his team manage to locate Lazarus's prison cell. However, they are ambushed by ADVENT forces led by an elite officer named Commander Volkov. Volkov reveals that he knows about Lazarus's true nature and that he plans to use him for his own benefit.

A fierce battle ensues between Tan's team and Volkov's forces. Tan and his team manage to fight their way to Lazarus's cell, but they find it empty. They realize that Lazarus has escaped on his own and has left them a message. The message tells them to meet him at a nearby train station, where he will give them the information they need.

Tan and his team decide to follow Lazarus's instructions and head to the train station. However, they are pursued by Volkov and his troops, who are determined to capture Lazarus at any cost. They also encounter a new enemy: a giant alien creature called a Sectopod, which is a powerful and heavily armed war machine.

At the train station, Tan and his team finally meet Lazarus face to face. Lazarus reveals that he is actually a clone of the original Lazarus, who was killed by ADVENT. He explains that he was created by Project Resurrection as a backup plan, in case the original Lazarus failed or betrayed them.

Lazarus also reveals that he has information about the Avatar Project, which is the ultimate goal of the aliens. He says that the Avatar Project is a device that can create a portal to another dimension, where the aliens' true masters live. He says that the aliens plan to use the portal to bring their masters to Earth, and that this will result in the extinction of humanity.

Lazarus tells Tan and his team that he has a way to stop the Avatar Project. He says that he has planted a bomb inside the device, which can be detonated remotely. He says that he needs Tan and his team to help him activate the bomb and escape from ADVENT's pursuit.

Tan and his team are shocked by Lazarus's revelations and his plan. They are unsure whether to trust him or not. They also have doubts about their own role in the resistance and their future. However, they decide to help Lazarus, as they believe that it is their only chance to save humanity from the aliens.

They agree to follow Lazarus to the location of the Avatar Project, which is hidden in an underground facility in Beijing. They board a train that will take them there, but they are attacked by Volkov and his forces along the way. They manage to fend off Volkov and his troops, but they also have to deal with the Sectopod, which has followed them to the train.

They reach Beijing and infiltrate the facility where the Avatar Project is located. They encounter heavy resistance from ADVENT and alien forces, who are guarding the device. They fight their way through the facility and reach the chamber where the Avatar Project is stored.

They see that the Avatar Project is a massive metal sphere that emits a strange energy. They also see that there are hundreds of human bodies connected to the sphere by wires and tubes. They realize that these are the victims of ADVENT's abductions and experiments, who have been used as fuel for the device.

Lazarus tells Tan and his team that he has a remote control that can trigger the bomb inside the sphere. He says that they need to get close enough to the sphere to activate it, but they also need to get out of the facility before it explodes. He says that they have only a few minutes left before the portal opens and the aliens' masters arrive.

Tan and his team decide to split up. Tan, Shen, and Abe go with Lazarus to set off the bomb, while Tipene, van der Merwe, and Kozlov go back to secure their escape route. They say goodbye to each other and wish each other luck.

Tan's group reaches the sphere and Lazarus activates the remote control. The bomb inside the sphere starts to beep and flash. Lazarus tells Tan's group to run for their lives, as he stays behind to make sure that the bomb goes off.

Tan's group runs back to join Tipene's group, who have cleared a path for them. They reach an elevator that will take them to the surface, where they have a vehicle waiting for them. However, as they enter the elevator, they are confronted by Volkov, who has followed them all this time.

Volkov tells Tan's group that he knows about their plan and that he has disabled their vehicle. He says that he wants Lazarus for himself, as he believes that he can use him as a bargaining chip with ADVENT or the aliens. He says that he will let Tan's group go if they give him Lazarus.

Tan's group refuses to betray Lazarus, and they engage in a final showdown with Volkov. They manage to overpower and kill Volkov, but they also suffer casualties. Shen is shot by Volkov and dies in Tan's arms. Abe is wounded by a grenade and loses consciousness.

Tan and Tipene are the only ones left standing. They carry Abe to the elevator and press the button. The elevator starts to ascend, but they hear a loud explosion from below. They realize that the bomb has gone off and that the facility is collapsing.

They hope that Lazarus has succeeded in destroying the Avatar Project and that they have saved humanity from the aliens. They also hope that they can make it out alive and that they can honor the memory of their fallen comrades.

The novel ends with a cliffhanger, as Tan and Tipene wait for the elevator to reach the surface, while the facility crumbles around them.

Review and Analysis

In this section, we will give you our opinion and evaluation of XCOM 2 Resurrection as a novel. We will discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and we will give you our verdict on whether it is worth reading or not.

The strengths: action-packed, suspenseful, and immersive

One of the main strengths of XCOM 2 Resurrection is that it is a very action-packed and suspenseful novel. It has a lot of exciting scenes and sequences that keep the reader engaged and entertained. It has a fast-paced and thrilling plot that keeps the reader guessing and curious. It has a lot of twists and turns that surprise and shock the reader.

Another strength of XCOM 2 Resurrection is that it is a very immersive novel. It does a great job of creating a vivid and realistic world that draws the reader in. It has a lot of details and descriptions that make the world feel alive and believable. It has a lot of references and connections to the game that make the world feel consistent and familiar.

The weaknesses: predictable, clichéd, and inconsistent

One of the main weaknesses of XCOM 2 Resurrection is that it is a very predictable and clichéd novel. It has a lot of tropes and stereotypes that make the novel feel unoriginal and boring. It has a lot of characters and situations that are too similar to other sci-fi stories and games. It has a lot of dialogue and narration that are too cheesy and corny.

Another weakness of XCOM 2 Resurrection is that it is a very inconsistent novel. It has a lot of plot holes and contradictions that make the novel feel illogical and confusing. It has a lot of characters and actions that are too convenient and unrealistic. It has a lot of tone shifts and mood swings that make the novel feel uneven and disjointed.

The verdict: a fun and thrilling read for fans of XCOM 2

Our verdict on XCOM 2 Resurrection is that it is a fun and thrilling read for fans of XCOM 2, but not so much for others. If you are a fan of XCOM 2, you will probably enjoy reading XCOM 2 Resurrection, as it will give you more insight into the game's setting, characters, and plot. You will also appreciate the references and connections to the game that make the novel feel consistent and familiar.

If you are not a fan of XCOM 2, or if you are not familiar with the game, you might find XCOM 2 Resurrection to be a mediocre and generic sci-fi novel. You might find the novel to be too predictable and clichéd, as it uses a lot of tropes and stereotypes that are common in other sci-fi stories and games. You might also find the novel to be too inconsistent and confusing, as it has a lot of plot holes and contradictions that make the novel feel illogical and disjointed.

Overall, we think that XCOM 2 Resurrection is a novel that is best enjoyed by fans of XCOM 2, who can overlook its flaws and appreciate its strengths. For others, we think that there are better sci-fi novels out there that offer more originality and quality.

How to Download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for Free

In this section, we will show you how to download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free. We will explain what an EPUB file is and why you need it, what are the best websites to download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free, and how to open and read XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB on your device.

What is an EPUB file and why do you need it?

An EPUB file is a type of digital book format that stands for Electronic Publication. It is a widely used and popular format for ebooks, as it offers many advantages over other formats. Some of these advantages are:

  • An EPUB file is compatible with most devices and platforms, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, e-readers, etc.

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If you want to read XCOM 2 Resurrection as an ebook, you need to download it as an EPUB file. This way, you can enjoy reading the novel on your preferred device and platform, with your preferred settings and features.

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There are many websites that offer free ebooks in EPUB format, but not all of them are reliable and safe. Some of them might have low-quality or incomplete files, or might contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or data. Therefore, you need to be careful and selective when choosing a website to download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free.

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  • Oceanofpdf: This website has a large collection of ebooks in various genres and languages. You can search for XCOM 2 Resurrection by its title or author, or browse by category. You can also request for ebooks that are not available on the website. You can download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free by clicking on the download button.

  • Epubdrive: This website has a simple and user-friendly interface that allows you to find and download ebooks easily. You can search for XCOM 2 Resurrection by its title or author, or filter by genre or popularity. You can also view ratings and reviews from other users. You can download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free by clicking on the download button.

  • This website has a modern and attractive design that makes reading ebooks enjoyable. You can search for XCOM 2 Resurrection by its title or author, or browse by genre or tag. You can also view the cover, summary, and sample of the ebook. You can download XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free by clicking on the download button.

These are some of the best websites that we recommend for downloading XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free. However, you should always be careful and cautious when downloading anything from the internet, as there might be risks and dangers involved. You should always scan the files for viruses and malware before opening them, and always respect the rights and laws of the authors and publishers.

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Once you have downloaded XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB for free from one of the websites mentioned above, you need to open and read it on your device. However, not all devices and platforms can open and read EPUB files natively, so you might need to use a third-party app or software to do so.

Here are some of the best apps and software that we recommend for opening and reading XCOM 2 Resurrection EPUB on your device:

  • Calibre: This is a free and open-source ebook management software that can open and read EPUB files on your computer. It can also convert, edit, and organize your ebooks. It has many features and options that allow you to customize your reading experience.

Lithium: This is a free and lightweight ebook reader app


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